Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, California
The girls never expected to go to the Jelly Belly Factory, especially since they never heard of a Jelly Belly. Now they plan to go home and search for them.
At the entrance was this Jelly Belly motorcycle.
The girls are ready for a tour. Rebecca, Nathalie, Josephine, Michaela and Hilma. Aren't they beautiful?
Princess Di, an Indian Chief….
…and a buffalo nickel, all made of Jelly Belly's.
Michaela and Hilma.
Shopping after our tour! Yes, we all purchased a bag of Belly Flops, and some of us even more.
Rebecca, Natahlie and Josephine while we were waiting for the tour.
A collection of memorabilia from President Reagan who loved a Jelly Belly, or two.
Some of he Jelly Belly vehicles. The girls loved the VW the best, but I didn't get a photo of that one.
Jelly Belly ~ the original jelly bean!